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On Friday, February 19, 2025, Building Construction Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya received a visit from SMKN 1 Nganjuk which was located in the 3rd Floor E1 Building, UNESA 1 Ketintang Campus. Partic

PT. Utomodeck Metal Works is a company engaged in the field of industrial technology for the production of metal roofs and walls. The production of goods includes bolted roofs, boltless roofs, reinsulated roof panels,

PT. Surya Agung Intracon is one of the genuine companies in the field of procurement of goods and services in the fields of construction, telecommunications, electricity, and engineering that are domiciled in Karawa

FTMTsi activities are student activities that aim to introduce new students to be able to unite the perception and thinking about the Indonesian Civil Engineering Field, which accommodates the aspirations of Indones

On Sunday, November 17, 2024, at the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya Campus 2, a Comparative Study activity was held between Student Associations which was attended by the functional administrators of bo

On Friday, February 7, 2025 PT Avian Avian held Gowa To Campus activities which took place in the 3rd Floor of the Faculty of Engineering, UNESA Campus 1. The activity was followed by students from four study programs